australien - 8 octobre 2016



Les humains arrivent en Australie il y a environ 47 000 ans

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Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth, but humans dispersed rapidly through much of the arid continental interior after their arrival more than 47,000 y ago.

The distribution and connectedness of water across the continent, and particularly in its arid core, played a pivotal role in facilitating and focusing early human dispersal throughout the continent.

We analyze the distribution and connectedness of modern permanent water across Australia.

The modelled least-cost pathways between permanent water sources indicate that the observed rapid occupation of the continental interior was possible along multiple, well-watered routes and likely was driven by the depletion of high-ranked resources in each newly occupied area over time.

Copyright - 8 octobre 2016


Chapitre VII - Du monocellulaire au multicellulaire - 27

Un vivant multicellulaire traverse plusieurs époques depuis son apparition jusqu'à sa disparition.

Ressources de reproduction

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Journal de Ressources de Vie

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2008 à 2016 - les bribes

Du 8 octobre 2008 au 23 novembre 2014: Culture éthologique 2014 Du 13 décembre 2014 au mercredi 8 juin 2016: 10 milliards d'humains en 2050 Éthologie Réconciliations

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mode de production

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L'ontogenèse du comportement collectif se révêle n'être qu'une simple loi d'attraction.

2 526 Millions d'années

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Large numbers of vertebrates began rapid population decline in the late 19th century