permien - 8 octobre 2016

Permienextinction du Permien.



ressources de vie


This paper shows

- that background extinction definitely preceded mass extinctions;

- introduces a mathematical method for estimating the amount of this background extinction

- and, by subtracting it from total extinction, correcting estimates of losses in mass extinctions, presents a method for estimating the amount of erroneous backward smearing of extinctions from mass extinction intervals

- and introduces a method for calculating species losses in a mass extinction that takes into account clustering of losses.


It concludes that the great terminal Permian crisis eliminated only about 81% of marine species, not the frequently quoted 90–96%.

Life did not almost disappear at the end of the Permian, as has often been asserted.

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Ce ne sont pas les espèces vivantes qui décident de disparâitre un jour.


Copyright GS - 8 octobre 2016


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Ressources de reproduction

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Journal de Ressources de Vie

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